Car fire!
2 minute read
October 19, 2008, 2:36 PM
Just about 20 minutes ago, a car caught fire just down the street from my apartment complex. I noticed smoke and flames from my balcony door, and grabbed the Kodak to go down and see what I could see. By the time I got down there, the fire department had put the bulk of the fire out, and was working to make sure that it was completely extinguished before leaving. Check it out…
Hosing down the car’s interior with the foam.
One of about three fire trucks in front of a nearby church.
Continuing to hose down under the hood, where it looked like the fire started.
The front of the car, covered with foam.
Side view of the interior of the car. The floor area is completely filled with the foam.
Montgomery County Sheriff’s Department vehicle blocking the street to keep traffic from passing through. The street was blocked off from Georgia Avenue to the vacant lot, and traffic on my street was being turned back away from Georgia Avenue.
Various fire and police officials inspect the car following the fire department’s completing its work. As you can see, the front of the car pretty much melted away.
Thankfully, it appears that no one was hurt, because I saw no ambulances or medical personnel on scene – just fire and police. I just hope that these people had insurance, because I’m almost certain that the car is toast – literally, as well as figuratively.
Song: I don't really have one right now...
Quote: By the way, the wind momentarily blew some of the smoke my way, and that burned-car smell is not one I'd particularly like to smell again.
Categories: Silver Spring
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