



So needless to say, I’m not going anywhere today…

2 minute read

December 19, 2009, 4:13 PM

Yeah, take a look at this:

The Sable, covered with snow

That’s my car, buried under probably about a foot or so of snow. Then here are a few other photos of the winter wonderland…

My balcony, with quite a bit of snow on the end of it.
My balcony, with quite a bit of snow on the end of it.

Here's another car, this one nearly completely buried in snow. All you can see is a few inches of red paint and the antenna!
Here’s another car, this one nearly completely buried in snow. All you can see is a few inches of red paint and the antenna!

As you can see, my apartment complex is very much snowed in. Just about everyone's car is covered in snow!
As you can see, my apartment complex is very much snowed in. Just about everyone’s car is covered in snow!

And likewise, I didn’t go to the snowball fight, due to inability to get to the Metro due to snow (let alone Metro having its own problems). I saw enough cars get stuck on my street to make me decide that I wasn’t even going to attempt going. No way. But I hope that everyone that did go had fun. And as I’d hoped, there are pictures of the fun, and it looks like they did have a lot of fun.

Web site: Capital Weather Gang: "When will record-setting snowfall end?"

Song: Theme to Whammy! The All-New Press Your Luck

Quote: Meanwhile, an update for you: Since I wrote the previous entry in the early morning, Metro instituted its snow plan for the first time at 1 PM Saturday. The service is very similar to that which is described above, except that Green Line service extends all the way to Fort Totten, and Blue Line extends out to Ballston. Thus Blue and Orange are running the exact same service, so the point still holds: Why not just call it all Orange?

Categories: Snowpocalypse

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