Sun’s out!
2 minute read
December 20, 2009, 10:28 AM
The sun is out, and it’s looking like it’s an absolutely beautiful day. That, of course, means it’s time to dig out. And people have been doing just that, getting the snow off their cars and such. My car, meanwhile, still wears its hat:
Other people, meanwhile, dug out their cars:
And then I think that this ought to give you an idea about the accumulation in Montgomery County:
I think that’s at least a foot and a half’s worth of snow right there. But I’m told that Staunton, Waynesboro, and Augusta County got even more, with The News Virginian reporting two feet of snow.
You know, it’s kind of a shame that the storm hit now, when all the kiddies are on break for Christmas. Of course, you realize that Augusta County would have cancelled school as soon as the snow started falling. No tolerance for snow there. I remember during the Blizzard of 1996, which dumped a comparable amount of snow as this storm, Augusta County Public Schools were closed for six days. That’s one entire week, plus Monday of the next week. Then we had three days of school, and then a rainstorm closed school that Friday. I think that the rain on its own wouldn’t have closed school, but with a couple of feet of snow on the ground, that was enough to do it, because the rain melted all the snow, causing flooding. We went to bed Thursday night, and there was around two feet of snow on the ground. Then Friday morning, nothing. Just like that.
Meanwhile, we’ll see if the Federal Government closes on Monday or not. Since my employer follows the Federal schedule, if they close, so do we. I’m guessing that they won’t close, and so it will be business as usual for me come Monday, though it’s looking pretty likely that I’ll be wearing my winter boots to work rather than my Chucks or anything like that. I think it’s mainly going to hinge on whether Metro is running at full speed again. Metro has resumed limited bus service, but trains are still running underground only, and I’m told there’s a lot of single-tracking going on, as many rail cars are being stored underground (while a lot more are buried in the yards). So we’ll see, I suppose.
Web site: How to write your name in the snow
Song: Meanwhile, Sparrow raided Scientology yesterday, in the snow. Adorable song, though.
Quote: Meanwhile, I have a laundry list of things I need to do today, like... doing the laundry.
Categories: Snowpocalypse
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