< 1 minute read
September 4, 2003, 11:27 AM
What a way to start the day… I’m sitting at a light on Route 608 on my way up to JMU, when all of a sudden, I’m hit! Nothing major – just a minor fender-bender, and no one was hurt, and it wasn’t my fault. But my rear bumper now sags a little on the passenger side due to being knocked loose by the collision. That will probably end up having to be reattached or replaced. And that was the only damage, too. And I still made it to Harrisonburg, though I ended up getting there considerably late.
I also think it’s somewhat ironic… I have that “I need a car” quote up on the site beyond when I intended to change it, and I end up having an accident. Even more ironic is the fact that in 1997 I did my site up with a whole “Great American Road” theme, and the week of its debut, I got into a real doozie of an accident. No injuries, but the car was out of service for a month. I don’t know… maybe automotive features on my site are bad luck.
Web site: The State Police, the people who did up the accident report for this whole thing
Song: From Today's Special: "The police are there to help protect you / They really care, and they're very nice too! / Always inspecting and checking..." (It goes on)
Quote: "Nothing that money can't fix." - Me, on the state of things in this accident
Categories: Toyota Previa
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