



The joys of fortune cookies…

< 1 minute read

September 13, 2003, 12:33 AM

My sister came up from Virginia Tech for the weekend, and so we all went out for Chinese food at this place in Staunton. This restaurant is like the fourth place to be in that particular building – maybe this one will last.

Anyways, though, the restaurant was so-so, but the fortune cookies were fun. Usually when we have Chinese food, the joke always comes from Mom: “Drop the guy you’re with and meet me by the wonton.” This time, though, I started something different at the table that I learned at LPCM a few years ago.

My fortune was, “You will win success in whatever calling you adopt.”

The way I read it was, “You will win success in whatever calling you adopt in bed.”

Everyone else – Mom, Dad, and Sis, all read their fortunes that way. Made for some very amusing fortunes, needless to say. I’m amazed that the rest of the family went along with it, but it was fun.

Web site: A little page about fortune cookies... in bed

Song: For some reason, today I'm thinking of the music from the "wobbly" record on Today's Special. Jeff did "The Muffy" to it.

Quote: It really does get downright risqué in bed: "You have great physical powers and an iron constitution... in bed."

Categories: Family