



36 to nothing, in Virginia Tech’s favor…

< 1 minute read

September 6, 2003, 2:34 PM

It’s 3:17 PM on Saturday, September 6 (my server’s on central time, and I’m on Eastern, thus the timestamp disparity), and JMU is playing Virginia Tech, and Virginia Tech is winning, with the score at 36 to zip. And as everyone at JMU and Virginia Tech expected, JMU’s getting their clocks cleaned by the Hokies.

This is also interesting for our family because my parents have a child on both sides of the fence. I’m a JMU Duke, and my sister’s a Hokie. However, there were no hostilities between schools in our family. Mom has booty shorts for both schools (and let’s never speak of those booty shorts again), and we all agree that Tech is going to mop the floor with purple and gold.

I also found it amusing what JMU’s football coach Mickey Matthews said in the September 4 issue of The Breeze. He said that we have to play “smart”. I just wonder whether playing smart is football-speak for “we don’t have a prayer”…

Categories: JMU


< 1 minute read

September 4, 2003, 11:27 AM

What a way to start the day… I’m sitting at a light on Route 608 on my way up to JMU, when all of a sudden, I’m hit! Nothing major – just a minor fender-bender, and no one was hurt, and it wasn’t my fault. But my rear bumper now sags a little on the passenger side due to being knocked loose by the collision. That will probably end up having to be reattached or replaced. And that was the only damage, too. And I still made it to Harrisonburg, though I ended up getting there considerably late.

I also think it’s somewhat ironic… I have that “I need a car” quote up on the site beyond when I intended to change it, and I end up having an accident. Even more ironic is the fact that in 1997 I did my site up with a whole “Great American Road” theme, and the week of its debut, I got into a real doozie of an accident. No injuries, but the car was out of service for a month. I don’t know… maybe automotive features on my site are bad luck.

Categories: Toyota Previa

You don’t realize how much you missed it until you’re back…

< 1 minute read

September 4, 2003, 1:51 AM

Whee, today was a trip down memory lane. I was in Harrisonburg today, and re-connected with all the buddies. First I went to Canterbury for LPCM, where we did the usual Wednesday thing. Good to be back! Then I visited Jackson, Chris, Patrick, Will, Adam, etc., along with Callie, and connected with them for a while.


I called up my friend Aaron, who’s a current RA in Potomac, and so I got to spend about half an hour visiting Potomac again! Boy, how I miss that place. Potomac has a special place in my heart. So many fond memories.

So many memories, and so many good friends…

Categories: JMU, LPCM

Research… it’s always an interesting thing.

< 1 minute read

September 3, 2003, 1:45 PM

After we leave the Office on Youth, we have to finish the job with some paperwork. I’ve been researching the ups and downs of personality assessments, and such. An interesting history they have, too, but since I’m specifically focusing on one particular assessment (DiSC), it’s fun to find actual academic stuff about it, vs. pages upon pages of marketing crap. Still, I think this is going to be a good research paper.

Categories: JMU

Ever heard of CMATA?

< 1 minute read

September 2, 2003, 7:50 AM

Who would think I could take elements of The High Speed Credit Pursuit and make a public administration case out of it? But I did… so I created for this project the Carinthia Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, otherwise known as CMATA. That ought to be a fun case, as I threw in a bunch of inside jokes not only on the “system map” for the subway (a modification of Metro‘s system map), but also in the case itself. Fun…

Categories: JMU, Schumin Web meta