



I saw Monty Python for the first time on Friday, and…

< 1 minute read

November 9, 2003, 12:45 AM

Yeah, I saw Monty Python and the Holy Grail on Friday night. The whole family is all like, it’s a great movie and such. I saw it for the first time, and they insisted I not see it like I see most movies I watch – while doing something else on the computer.

My review of it, after having seen it for the first time? It did not live up to what the rest of the family promoted it as. According to them, it was like the movie to end all movies, and incredibly funny. I found it to be somewhat “eh”. It had its amusing parts, but I didn’t enjoy it like they did. Not my type of humor, I guess. The first scene involved a long, drawn-out argument on a technicality. I don’t know… it just got old rather quickly for me.

However, I did find out where Battle Chess got the knight-on-knight fight idea, where the winning knight cuts off the losing knight’s limbs. Lifted straight out of the movie.

Web site: What Monty Python Holy Grail Quest Character are You?

Song: Opblaaskrokodil, also known as "French Erotic Film"

Quote: "She has huge... tracts of land!"

Categories: Movies

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