



You do not know what two days off will do for you…

< 1 minute read

December 30, 2003, 11:03 AM

After having two days off from Wal-Mart, I am now officially ready to go once again, ready to take whatever the customers are willing to throw at me. Especially since Monday was basically a sleep day, where I basically slept for most of the day. A much-needed day of R&R, especially after a great photo day in Roanoke on my other off-day.

My car’s also ready to go, too, as we replaced a burned-out headlight that was discovered on the way home from Sunday’s Roanoke trip. Quite the longevity, too, when you think about it. My father and I discussed it while replacing it, and realized that on this 1991 Toyota Previa, which we bought in July 1990, we were actually replacing the original bulb. That’s thirteen years with that same bulb, believe it or not. The other headlight’s bulb was not original, having been put in during repairs after we hit a deer in 1994.

Web site: My car. The bulb we replaced is the low beam on the driver's side (on the right in this picture)

Song: Old Nick at Nite Promo: "I am sitting on the sofa, there's a TV in the corner..." (for I Dream of Jeannie)

Quote: "This is the original bulb!"

Categories: Myself, Toyota Previa

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