



And the Z-Coils are going back to the store…

2 minute read

January 30, 2004, 5:57 PM

It was a nice, expensive idea, but I’m returning the Z-Coil shoes. Sure, my heels feel great, and that’s what I bought them for. But geeeeeeeeeeez… that part of my foot felt great at the end of the day. But the entire rest of the foot was killing me by the end of the day. I’ll take the heel pain over the way everything felt at the end of today. Plus I think I was either on the verge of getting, or now have the beginning stages of a blister on my foot. Either way, the cure was worse than the problem. So scratch that and I’ll be going to get my $180 back from the store (did I say these were expensive as hell?), since they have a seven-day return policy, and I only used them on smooth floors so they’re still in new condition.

So I’m getting my money back. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, and so I’m going to get my money back since I saved everything. Box, receipt, check carbon-copy, wrapping, everything. So there you go.

Meanwhile, I’m going to try a much less expensive method – I’m going to try some Dr. Scholls inserts that they sell at work and see how they are. And it’s a lot easier to return that way if it doesn’t work.

Still, now I know what it’s like to wear heels, as the spring raises the back of the foot up quite a bit. My toes were crushed in the toe of the shoes today. Plus I felt like I was walking on my toes all day.

And what else? Well, I got my degree from JMU in the mail today. That was a surprise. I didn’t think I’d hit all the requirements yet. Guess I did. A quick check on Ecampus confirmed it, and they did graduate me. Just as well, as I was completely and utterly sick and tired of dealing with JMU by the time the fall semester was over. And now I’m an alumnus. That’s scary.

So now instead of JMU seeing me as a money keg to tap that they have to provide a service to in return, now they see me as a money keg to tap that they don’t have to do anything for, one of the joys of being alumni now. I think I’ll probably have more to say about the whole college-is-over thing in my next quote, because that’s just downright scary.

Categories: Retail

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