



I found a vintage mover’s sticker on the back of my bookshelf, if you can believe that…

< 1 minute read

February 9, 2004, 1:52 PM

And when I say “vintage”, I mean really VINTAGE. This was not from my family’s 1992 move from Rogers, Arkansas to here. Oh, no. That would be understandable, since that was when that particular bookshelf was placed in that corner.

No, this was from our 1985 move from Glassboro, New Jersey to Rogers, Arkansas. You want to talk about a vintage sticker. That sticker is as old as Sis – 19 years old. That’s amazing, if you ask me. It’s survived the move that it was intended for, the move to Virginia, and several rearrangements of that shelf. I am impressed.

And in case you’re wondering, how did I know which move it was? Well, the New Jersey-to-Arkansas move was done by United Van Lines. We used North American Van Lines for the Arkansas-to-Virginia move. So there you go.

Web site: United Van Lines, the mover for our New Jersey-to-Arkansas move

Song: Theme to America's Funniest Home Videos from its second season

Quote: "This is from the Arkansas move!"

Categories: Bedroom remodel

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