



This proves that I can sing…

2 minute read

March 23, 2004, 11:52 PM

It was an associate’s birthday, and so I got to sing Happy Birthday over the loudspeaker for them, at the urging of one of our CSMs. So my rendition of “Happy Birthday” was the talk of the store today. So that was fun.

Otherwise, I had a little shopping disappointment after work. My order from Casual Male was waiting there on the porch for me. That was exciting. So then I took them in and opened them up. Now I wasn’t sure what “French Terry” meant exactly when I ordered the “French Terry Cargo Pants”, but I expected more along the lines of what you would think of as cargo pants. These were more like sweatpants. They were too much like sweatpants to use at work. So I never even took those out of their little bags.

I also got some Dockers corduroy pants. Those fit the program as far as appearance, but failed in the fit, being too small in the lower leg (that’s a new one – usually it’s quite loose around my calves, and I’m worrying about waist and thighs). So I neatly folded the pants back up and put them back in their little bag. How disappointing.

So that was the entire order. It all has to go back, which is disappointing. I just hope that since it’s Casual Male, a company that has actual physical stores (the nearest one being in Charlottesville), that I can take the items to the store and return them there, vs. having to box it back up, and ship it off. I think I’ll probably be able to take it to the store to return it, because this way, I can get satisfied right in the store, and get the right pants right then and there, and not have to worry about getting credited back on my check card. Just exchange and go.

Too bad Wally World doesn’t carry pants in my size. That would be too easy, since I go to Wal-Mart on a daily basis. But no. Noooooooooo. They don’t carry my pant size. Shirt size, yes. All the shirts I wear, unless they’re Schumin Web, come from Wal-Mart.

Speaking of Schumin Web, today was the anniversary! Eight years I’ve had this Web site now. I’ve made it to eight years. That’s amazing. Truly amazing.

And lastly, one more thing that’s amusing. The commercial for Phillips Milk of Magnesia. It features an African-American couple who appear middle-aged, and it goes like this:

Wife: Isn’t nature lovely?
Husband: Except when nature stops!
Wife: (Loudly) You’re constipated?
Husband: (embarrassed) Phyllis! (The wife’s name)
Wife: Try this! It’s Phillips Milk of Magnesia! It [does a lot of fun stuff]

And then at the end, the man is all “ahhhhhhh”, and we presume that he can poop again now, after taking the stuff they’re advertising.

I don’t know, it amuses me.

Web site: Some birthday songs, though I'm sure some of the associates wouldn't like their ages announced over the loudspeaker.

Song: Happy Birthday To You, which I sang over the squawk box.

Quote: "Excellent job on the PA today!"

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