It’s been a little while since we spoke…
< 1 minute read
June 22, 2004, 12:57 PM
It’s been just a touch more than a week since last we spoke, and it’s because I’ve been hurrying to finish a massive update to my Transit Center site. There’s LOTS more WMATA on there now, in the Washington DC Rail section. And today, I’m actually writing you from the Jefferson-Madison Regional Library in Charlottesville, because I’m over here for two reasons. First off, I returned some pants to Casual Male earlier, because trust me… these pants were WAY too big. Made me feel skinny. The pants were that big.
I’m also bus-sighting over here, so I can add Charlottesville’s CTS system to my Transit Center Web site. I’ve actually gotten 42 photos today so far, plus one movie, though I highly doubt I will use everything. Still, look for Charlottesville to join the likes of Metrobus, Dash About, CUE, and Harrisonburg Transit at a Schumin Web Transit Center near you.
And then tomorrow I’m going to DC! I’m meeting two fellow posters from SubTalk, and we’re going to do some serious railfanning. I’m meeting up with Oren H., as well as Jersey Mike. I’ve railfanned with Oren before, but never Mike. This ought to be fun!
Web site: Charlottesville Transit Service, better known as CTS
Song: The music from Super Mario World that you get in those levels where you constantly have the possibility of falling to your death. The bouncy-sounding one. I could sing it to you, but this is a written medium. So I won't.
Quote: "I'm too cheap to fake-tan them, and too smart to actually tan them!" - Me in response to a comment about my WHITE LEGS. Seriously, I have no color whatsoever on my legs, which today prompted a comment from a coworker about that I ought to get a tan. Another time, I got the comment, "Look at those legs! Scary!" (I was amused) Still, my white legs may end up being on the splash page for July. Frightening? Heck yes.
Categories: Schumin Web meta, Transit
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