



I am now officially beginning my search for employment in or around Washington…

3 minute read

July 13, 2004, 12:34 AM

Yes, six months after leaving JMU, I am finally looking for a job in the Washington DC area.

So many people have asked me, “Why Washington?”

My answer is always something like this. It’s far enough away for me to live my own life (I have NO relatives in Washington), it’s a faster life than around here (where you can count the dotted lines on the highway for entertainment), I love the Washington DC area (I do!), and it’s close enough where it’s not a huge hardship to still visit the family.

So now I’m working on updating the resume some (or perhaps throwing it out and starting fresh), and going hunting. This is where the Internet comes in handy. All the hot spots to get information right at my fingertips. Countless DC area newspapers’ classified ads available,, Yahoo HotJobs, etc.

Now mind you, though, my connection is like the equivalent of a 1981 Yugo. I have a dial-up connection. 56K. Slooooooooooooow. It would be nice if I had a faster connection. But still, it is handy nonetheless.

Meanwhile, I was watching the Rocky and Bullwinkle movie this evening. Interesting movie. I’m still amused watching the movie about all the scenes from different places. They really did a great job on that movie, let me tell you. I was particularly interested in the Washington DC scenes, since of course, I’m rather familiar with Washington DC. The big DC scenes are at the end of the movie, where they say goodbye to FBI agent Karen Sympathy. They do so along a tree-lined walkway, showing a dead-on shot of the Lincoln Memorial in the background, and the Jefferson Memorial to the side.

That is definitely not Washington DC. I should know. There is no tree-lined walkway that would afford that kind of a view of the Lincoln Memorial. The view of the Jefferson Memorial seems to be correct, though. If you wanted that kind of a view of the Lincoln Memorial, you would be quite wet. This is the approximate area where the movie producers wanted you to think they were, in real life, taken during The Schumin Web Salutes America

The front side of the Lincoln Memorial, from a distance

As you can see, wide open spaces and a big reflecting pool. Oh, and by the way, the World War II Memorial is now located in that grassy area up front (this photo was taken in 2001).

And if you’re thinking, wait, what if it’s the back side of the Lincoln Memorial we’re looking at, then no as well. Look…

Back side of the Lincoln Memorial

Not the back. No opening on the back side, and there was an opening in the movie. Besides, from the back side of the Lincoln Memorial, you’re not very far at all from the Potomac River, and thus the distance required to get the shot would have been in the middle of a bridge, or in the middle of the water again.

Gotta love the way movie makers make these scenes appear to be real, eh? Cute section of Washington that they made up, though.

Web site: Review of the Rocky and Bullwinkle movie (boy, we made a switch in topics, eh?)

Song: "Dreamer" by Supertramp

Quote: "I am officially looking for a job in Washington!"

Categories: Movies, Myself, Washington DC

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