




< 1 minute read

October 7, 2004, 12:14 AM

Finally I found out what ß means! It’s only found in German, a language which I have not studied seriously. I studied Spanish and Latin in high school, and in college had no formal foreign language study (the benefit of a Bachelor of Science degree), but I did become quite proficient in Foul while at JMU.

Of course, “Foul” only consists of about seven words, and you’re not allowed to say it on the air.

But anyway, ß. For years, I referred to it as “that funky-looking B that they have in German”. And that got me some very confused looks from just about everyone. But think about it. ß does look like a B. See? ß. B. So my description is understandable.

Turns out, though, that ß is not related to B at all. It’s actually related to S. And like most language elements, it has a very long history, and a big description of how it’s used in the German language.

Still, at least now I know what ß really means, and how it’s only a lowercase letter. It has no uppercase equivalent.

I am very pleased with myself for finding out about ß, a letter which has puzzled me for years.

Web site: Wikipedia article about ß, which was quite helpful in finding what I was looking for.

Song: Don't have one

Quote: "Finally I know what ß means!"

Categories: Myself

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