



Every so often I go visit…

< 1 minute read

October 26, 2004, 9:54 AM

You know where to go if you need to get some serious laughing?, of course. I looked at Strong Bad’s three most recent Emails – The Facts, Time Capsule, and Extra Plug.

“The Facts” is about why Strong Mad should not have a cartoon of his own. “Time Capsule” is where Strong Bad sets up a time capsule with a cassette tape and dry ice in it (the dry ice so it will go “froosh” when someone opens it), which Stinko Man from 20X6 (pronounced “twenty-extee-six”) then proceeds to eat. That one also has a song about Grumblecakes as an easter egg.

The one that really had me laughing, though, was “Extra Plug”. Strong Bad was asked what he could use the extra plug under his desk for. Turns out he had bought some light-up shoes, which he believed could attract women to him solely on the basis of his shoes. He managed to flip a breaker, since the power went out. Seems those things really do suck up the juice. They’re also really loud. They finished the Email, however, in an unusual way. And they ended up also sucking up all the juice at Club Technochocolate. They ended up powering the shoes from the King of Town’s place. Fun.

Now what I’m going to have stuck in my head all day is that Grumblecakes song. It’s definitely an interesting song, being quite catchy. And my dirty, filthy, sordid little mind has read two interpretations into to that song.

World’s worst pickup line: “Hey, baby, want to share those Grumblecakes?”

Web site: Homestar Runner Wiki page for Strong Bad Email #115, Time Capsule, with the lyrics to the Grumblecakes song

Song: "Grumblecakes"

Quote: Imagine me laughing out loud at those boots...

Categories: Homestar Runner