



The toilet is in the bathtub!

2 minute read

July 25, 2005, 5:17 PM

So what’s missing here?

Notice anything missing?

Well, the linoleum’s missing, since we’re having the floors redone in there now, too, and the toilet is also missing. What a strange sight, indeed. Here’s where the toilet is living for right now…

The toilet is in the bathtub!

I’m just looking at it like, wow. In fact, in a house that usually has three toilets, we presently have one operating bathroom. The downstairs bathroom has had the toilet disconnected and the floor ripped up, and then the bathroom that I use has had the toilet disconnected and the floor ripped up. All in all, it’s very strange looking. I anticipate that tomorrow I’ll have my toilet back where it belongs again.

Meanwhile, we’re in the midst of an amazing heat wave. It’s just burning up outside, with Weatherbug showing the temperature at 95 degrees, and the heat index past 100. Needless to say, my Weatherbug is going off constantly with heat advisory alerts. Then as I was writing the last paragraph, another one chimed in, this one for a severe thunderstorm watch. It’s rare that I’m going to cheer on a severe thunderstorm, but anything’s better than this heat. If nothing else, get some clouds up, get the air all churned up, and send down some rain. It would be wonderful.

Otherwise, I’m trying to figure out what to do on Wednesday. I want to go somewhere, but where to go is the question. We’ll see. It’s not going to be DC, that’s for sure. Next time in DC will be August 3.

Web site: We visit the old "Thomas Crapper" story, speaking of toilets.

Song: "Movie Star" from Today's Special.

Quote: "Only one restroom? Does he know that this is our family he's dealing with?"

Categories: House, Weather

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