



I really need to do something about getting a N-E-W C-A-R…

2 minute read

October 30, 2005, 8:30 PM

Yes, we’re spelling it out. You see, every time I talk about the C-A-R on here, I have some sort of mishap with the Previa. But let me tell you, though… that car is a trooper, but parts are starting to go. The radio went in 2000. The air conditioning died in 2002. At some point, a panel on the interior of the door broke loose. The cruise control started a slow death in 2002 or so and now only works when it feels like it. I also recently got a crack in the windshield. And as you saw not long ago, I had to do a quick-fix on a wiper blade (which still works like a charm).

And now, I have no heat. Absolutely NO heat. Last time I got heat out of the car was on April 16 of this year, when Sis and I went up to Washington DC for A16, and needed heat (and didn’t get heat until halfway up there because we accidentally forgot to switch it over to heat). Then the warmer months came along and I didn’t need the heat. Now it’s cold again, and I have no heat at all. I really need a new car, but since I can’t afford that, I’m going to have to get it repaired. And that means that I’m going to have to call around to find out who will be willing to look at it and such to get it fixed.

And my rule about going to local businesses is that I don’t like going some place where everyone who works there is someone I went to high school with. I don’t like getting called “buddy” by people I never particularly cared for. I prefer to go some place where the people don’t all know me – makes me feel more like a customer.

Meanwhile, though, I’ve got a hat and gloves in the car, and so we’re certainly ready for the cold.

Otherwise, I had no idea until today that there was a market for costumes for women as ninjas. But presumably there is a good-sized market for it. I was taking a mess of Halloween costumes today at work and sorting through it all and making as complete of costumes as I could with them, and dug up no less than five female ninja costumes. One was a teen-sized costume, and the others were for a younger girl.

And take a look:

Girl ninja costume

That’s the smaller costume. And I didn’t see a single ninja costume for boys in there. Not a one. All in all, though, interesting. I didn’t think girls dressed up as ninjas for Halloween. Guess I was wrong.

Meanwhile, there was also the usual mix of branded costumes we recognize. Batman, Superman, Spider Man, etc. And Jerry Seinfeld put it best, when he said that you put the costume on and you expect to look exactly like Superman. But you really look like you’re wearing Superman’s pajamas.

I don’t know why, but Halloween costumes amuse me.

Meanwhile, I’m going as The Thnikkaman for Halloween. Sis even has the white sunglasses, which I’m borrowing.

Web site: How to be a "Shirt Ninja" in six easy steps. Amusing, but I've seen the shirt ninja style used in a few black blocs before.

Song: I was listening to "Santa Baby".

Quote: "Older than time itself, man has always known the calling. Light of the light, strength of the soul, ignite this eternal power inside of me. I AM NINJA! I am pure of heart, body, mind, and spirit. Join with me now as I become one with the power of ninja!" - Ninjor from the Power Rangers miniseries "Ninja Quest", when the rangers got their new powers for the third season.

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