It’s GOT to be around here SOMEWHERE…
< 1 minute read
November 5, 2005, 8:21 PM
I am taking a break from hunting for a moment to speak to you now. For the last hour, I’ve been hunting for the CD that contains the original for this image of a Wheelock MT horn/strobe. I want to use it for the photo feature. Why I can’t find it, I don’t know. I obviously knew where the CD was on June 14, when I uploaded it to Wikipedia. As I mentioned, I don’t know why I cannot find it. I’ve practically turned this place upside down looking for it, too. It’s got to be around here somewhere.
And by the way, if you’re reading this, and that photo of the MT is in the photo feature, that means I found it.
Web site: Main page, holding the photo feature
Song: Opblaaskrokodil
Quote: "It's got to be here somewhere..."
Categories: Photography, Schumin Web meta
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