



Going to DC on 06-06-06…

2 minute read

June 5, 2006, 11:35 PM

I’m going to Washington DC this Tuesday – June 6. That would be June 6, 2006. 06-06-2006. In other words, the date is basically 666, the so-called “number of the beast”.

Members of the DC Anti-War Network (DAWN) are staging a rally at Lafayette Park from 6-8 PM on Tuesday called “No Armageddon For Bush” (a play on the whole “666” thing), and I’m going to go. I’ve been to two DAWN events in the past. The rally and march from Malcolm X Park to McPherson Square on J20 event was put on by DAWN, and the street theater event in front of the Supreme Court that I documented as Confirmation Demonstration was also a DAWN event.

It also seems like 2006 is becoming the year of the night protest, as the World Bank demonstration this spring was at night (the photo set for that event is on its way), and now this one is going to be in the evening (though it won’t be all the way dark when it’s all over).

Meanwhile, today was the two-year anniversary of the June 5 anti-war protest that ran from Lafayette Park to Kalorama Road near Embassy Row. That was my first black bloc. Kinda scary that it’s been two years. I’ve also been in five other black blocs since then.

And what’s weird is that during the end of the June 5 protest, while we were confronting the counter-protesters, former president Ronald Reagan died, which I learned about later that evening. I will likely always remember the date of Ronald Reagan’s passing due to my associating it with the protest. And I really don’t remember much about the Reagan administration because I was so young.

Still, though, I’m excited about June 6. Might we fondly refer back to this day as “J6”? Dunno, but not likely. Doesn’t seem to be a big enough event to get the single letter and number treatment.

Web site: Wikipedia entry for DAWN. If you can expand this stub, please do!

Song: "Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini"

Quote: My current "Wikistress" level at work. As I mentioned in the previous entry, I really can't wait for my vacation to come around. The concept of Wikistress is explained on Meta.

Categories: Activism, DC trips

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