I didn’t know this existed!
< 1 minute read
June 29, 2006, 8:21 PM
I had no idea that there was a place called “Foamhenge” near Natural Bridge, which is a little ways south of where I live. And with my being on vacation this week, and with the weather forecasted to be nice all the way through the weekend, I might just have to pay Foamhenge a visit, and perhaps do a photo set on it (as if I’m not backlogged enough already).
And no, this is not some cheesy substitute for a visit to the real Stonehenge. I went there in June 1998. See?
Eight years after visiting Stonehenge, a visit to Foamhenge should be fun.
Web site: Roadside America article about Foamhenge
Song: That commercial for Petsmart with the dachshund with the ragged little chew toy.
Quote: I should definitely visit... - What I thought when I learned about it online
Categories: Places
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