I’d like to take a moment to thank my relatives for the lovely Christmas gifts…
< 1 minute read
December 31, 2006, 1:39 AM
I went to Charlottesville after work today to redeem the gift cards I received for Christmas. I received a gift card to Circuit City from Uncle Johnny and crew, and a gift card to Best Buy from Uncle Bruce and crew. I was quite pleased.
So in the end, the Schumins of New Jersey ended up getting me the second season of The Cosby Show at Best Buy, and the Bowmans of Connecticut ended up getting me the third season of The Golden Girls and also Trading Places starring Dan Aykroyd and Eddie Murphy at Circuit City. Needless to say, that worked out really well, and it will provide me with entertainment for hours on end.
And for The Golden Girls, that’s three seasons down, and four more to go.
Plus I had fun in the process. For some reason, I enjoy running around through those stores, though I admit that the help is not exactly helpful in either one of those stores. Not once was I approached by a salesperson in either place asking if all was well, and the one I approached at Best Buy didn’t even speak to me – he just pointed at the movies. I know how customer service ought to be, and I deliver it in my own workplace. I could customer service circles around those salespeople.
Along with the other DVD sets, add to this what my parents got me – the fourth season of Roseanne, which means I now have two seasons (the other being the first), with seven more to go. Not too shabby, if you ask me.
So all in all, I was pleased, and thank you to all involved for the great gifts.
Web site: Wikipedia on customer service
Song: Theme to Chip 'n Dale's Rescue Rangers
Quote: And so now I have a pile of shrinkwrapped DVDs, waiting to go for a spin. I'm excited...
Categories: Christmas
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