



Schumin Web tattoo?

2 minute read

January 9, 2006, 6:04 PM

As you may know, my site’s tenth anniversary is coming up in about two and a half months. And I’ve been thinking about how to celebrate it. I want to get myself something for it. What I really want is a custom engraved ring to commemorate the anniversary, but there’s no money in my budget for that. I’m still working on what to do for the anniversary.

One thing I’m certainly not doing is getting a tattoo to celebrate it. I have no tattoos whatsoever, and have always found tattoos on other people to be very low-brow and un-classy. I also think that it’s far too permanent. If you get a tattoo, it’s there, and it’s not going anywhere, regardless of whether you’re twenty, thirty, or ninety. And I don’t know of anything I’d want to have drawn on my body that I would know for sure that I’d want to have on there twenty years down the road.

That and I can’t stand pain, and I understand that getting a tattoo really hurts.

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Categories: Myself, Schumin Web meta

4 AM on the way home from DC means…

2 minute read

January 7, 2006, 12:49 AM

First of all, yes, I get home LATE when I go to Washington. VERY late. It’s actually “tomorrow” for the parents when I’m just finishing up my “today”. If I’m not home by four in the morning, I get a call on my cell phone from Mom, which is basically what I call the are-you-alive call. And the call’s purpose is usually just to figure out when I am and determine when I’ll be back home.

Usually when I get this call, I’m in or close to Harrisonburg. One goal for me for the ride home is to be at least as far as Harrisonburg if not past it when I get that call.

On my December 21 DC trip, I never got that call. And when I got home, I was like, “Why didn’t you call me?” And it’s funny – first few times when Mom started calling, it did annoy me slightly. Now I enjoy them and come to expect such things. In fact, the reason that not getting called that time bothered me was because I was so ahead of schedule that I wanted to brag about how ahead of schedule I was. Just like, “Aha, look at me!” And I never got to do that, sad to say.

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Categories: DC trips, Family

“You have to be smarter than the objects you’re working with.”

< 1 minute read

January 1, 2006, 10:36 PM

Sometimes, people just say the darndest things. A customer told me today, “You have to be smarter than the objects you’re working with.” I nearly burst out laughing. Why? Because while he was referring to the bag of dog food he was putting up on the belt, I was thinking about it from my own perspective. The object I was working with was the gentleman in front of me. And you have to be smarter than the objects you’re working with, according to this gentleman.

My exact thought came in the form of a quip from Judge Judy: “I’m very smart, and I will still be smarter than you even if you live to be five hundred.”

It took everything in me to keep from laughing at this man, because he didn’t realize just what he had said…

Categories: Walmart

Should old acquaintance be forgot…

< 1 minute read

January 1, 2006, 12:05 AM

Well, happy new year, everyone, as I write the first Journal entry for 2006.

I watched the ball drop in Times Square on NBC, and what was interesting to me is when they mentioned how long these people had camped out in Times Square. Some people had camped out there as early as noon. The hosts on NBC commented on this a few times, and how these people probably really had to go to the bathroom. One girl interviewed by a woman on the street put it like this: “And I really have to go to the bathroom!” They shouted this out loud, live on national television. I’m sure that’s something they’ll look back on and say, “What was I thinking?” The interviewer expressed hope that she could hold it in a little bit longer. Of course, if you leave to go to the bathroom, you lose your spot. So what else are you going to do?

Meanwhile, I’m hoping that this will be a good year. 2005 was a lot of fun, what with the counter-inaugural, making new friends and running into old ones, A16, a number of road trips, the vacation to Virginia Beach, the September 24 protest, lots and lots of photography, and so much more. 2006 ought to be so much fun as well…

Categories: New Year's