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It’s what month now?

I’m starting to have my doubts on the springiness of the spring here. Check these out, taken a few minutes ago from my bedroom window:

Yeah. In the early morning of April 7, 2007, before the sun came out, it snowed, and we had some actual accumulation. Of course, as you can see based on the photos, this was no threat to navigation whatsoever. It just looked pretty.

A snowfall this late, though, reminds me of my senior year at JMU, and my last snowfall living on campus. March 29, 2003 was a Saturday, and it was so warm that I was wearing shorts. My friend Susan, who I knew from my CFW days, came up to Harrisonburg and we went to Buffalo Wild Wings. After we got done there, she went back to Waynesboro, and I returned to Potomac Hall.


The next morning, March 30, I slept in. I kind of half woke up at some point, and looked out the window. The ground was white. I thought, Snow? Nah, couldn’t be. Too warm. I went back to sleep. Wake up later, this time officially. I look out the window again. Yeah. Snow. It had snowed in the early morning of March 30. It was very short-lived, though, going away by the next day.

This year is the latest I’ve ever seen it snow in Virginia. And like in 2003, I’m sure that this snow will be gone by tomorrow, if not by the end of the day. Still, it’s quite strange to see it snow this late. Especially when you consider that my springtime allergies have already kicked in for the season.

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