



“You mean I’ve slept my last sleep in that bed?”

< 1 minute read

June 5, 2007, 2:32 PM

I was talking to Mom on the phone yesterday, and found out that Mom is getting rid of my old bed. She’s replacing it with a futon couch, since she claims it will be more comfortable and more versatile. I don’t doubt either claim. I’ve been sleeping on a futon couch for a little less than a month now, until I get my new bed in a week and a half or so.

Still, it’s one of those things where as much as you detest the bed, you never really thought that it would go. But, yeah, she’s getting rid of it. And it will likely be before I go down to visit again, so I’ve most likely seen the bed for the last time. Weird!

It will be so strange next time I go visit the parents to have this futon in my old bedroom. Now mind you, I still haven’t completely removed everything from there. Lots of my stuff still hasn’t made the ride from Stuarts Draft to Silver Spring. Still, that will be strange. But at least I’ll only be using it when I go to visit. Sleeping on a futon gets old after a while. I should know.

Still, as worn out and uncomfortable as it was, I’m going to miss that old bed.

Web site: Sleep On It, where Mom's getting the new futon

Song: Strong Bad and his many scroll buttons songs.

Quote: One thing Mom wasn't too keen about was what I suggested she do with the new bed: Recycle it. I suggested she get it turned into mulch, thereby returning it to nature. The circle of life. She wants to junk it - landfill. *sigh*...

Categories: Family, Stuarts Draft

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