I remember this day from three years ago like it was yesterday…
2 minute read
October 17, 2007, 2:32 PM
It’s 2:30 PM on October 17, 2007. Three years ago today, possibly down to the minute, I was running around with Teapot and crew looking for the guy in the hot dog suit and the chicken suit. Then right after that, I met Jess for the first time.
Yes, the Million Worker March was three years ago today. Three years ago today, I was in DC, and supporting the labor movement. Three years ago today, I was in front of the Hotel Washington, supporting the workers. Three years ago today, I visited the Infoshop for the first time. What a great find that turned out to be. Three years. Wow.
That demonstration produced a lot of memorable images, too…
Gathered around the Lincoln Memorial…
Our rallying at the Hotel Washington in support of the rank-and-file workers…
…and the hotel workers showing their appreciation of our presence.
I also remember how screwed up the Blue and Yellow Lines were that day, as they were doing track work, requiring single-tracking from Pentagon City to Braddock Road stations.
Still, I remember the Million Worker March being significant for its timing. This was about the only major protest in DC during the lead-up to the 2004 election. MGJ, Jubilee USA, and others critical of the World Bank and IMF declined to organize a major action for fall 2004, not wanting to distract from the upcoming election. Likewise, the AFL-CIO would not endorse the Million Worker March for the same reason.
Still, it feels like it was yesterday…
Web site: Million Worker March on Schumin Web
Song: Jess playing her makeshift drum...
Quote: Meanwhile, the Million Worker March photo set had some new features in it that have since become standard. The black borders on the images started on this set. Additionally, this was the first protest to use the narrative/photos format that is now standard for Life and Times. Plus, the delay in getting this photo set out (nearly two months) affected J20, the next protest, by getting it fast-tracked. J20 was done in ten days.
Categories: Activism
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