“You’re not going to become one of those self-righteous Mac people, are you?”
2 minute read
October 25, 2007, 7:23 PM
You know you’re still a computer geek at heart when you get all excited when you see a shiny new operating system and get to install it. I remember back in the old days when I used to get excited over a new version of MS-DOS. I remember when we installed MS-DOS 5. That was exciting. Microsoft had completely revamped the DOS Shell for that version. Fun stuff. Then I remember Windows 95. That was exciting, too, exploring this new Windows with all this new stuff on board. Start menu – what’s that?
This time, though, we’re doing the operating system upgrade to “Tangerine Dreams” – my office Mac. So this will be exciting. I’ve never upgraded a Mac before. So this will be new and uncharted territory. After all, I’ve upgraded DOS and Windows numerous times, but never Mac OS. My understanding is that it’s fairly straightforward, but we’ll see.
This also marks the first time I’ve upgraded an operating system on the day it was released. I got Windows XP on the day after it was released, but never day-of. And this upgrade basically fits in my job description, too, as I’m also the day-to-day IT guy for the office, and so learning the newest operating system is important.
Meanwhile, with the whole excited-about-Leopard thing, in a phone call with Sis, she asked if I was becoming one of those self-righteous Mac people. I was like, no, because unlike a lot of those self-righteous Mac people who had been with Macs since the days of classic Mac OS, I’ve only been a serious Mac user since Mac OS X Tiger. However, I will be the first to say that my next computer will probably be a Mac, since Macs are awesome, and Windows Vista… kinda sucks. I think if I could put Mac OS on my Dell, I’d be a very happy person.
So, yeah, I’m excited.
Web site: Wikipedia on Leopard
Song: Theme to The Randi Rhodes Show
Quote: And for those of you who are curious, yes, the "Tangerine Dreams" name goes right along with the whole Homestar Runner theme I've got going on. My desktop PC I call "Compy", my laptop is called "Lappy", and thus the Mac would be "Tangerine Dreams". Strong Bad's computers were Compy 386 and Lappy 486, and The Cheat's Mac was Tangerine Dreams. So it fits right in...
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