



No better way to say “happy halloween”…

< 1 minute read

October 29, 2007, 8:21 PM

This is what greeted me as I took my usual walk along P Street to work this morning…

Pumpkins on P Street NW

Pumpkins! Aren’t they just darling? I like the one on the right because the face is just slightly off-kilter by design, and then the face on the one of the left isn’t exactly creepy, but it is the perfect complement to the über-happy one on the right.

Meanwhile, this year for halloween, I’m going as an office worker. My costume will consist of dress pants, dark shoes, and a collared shirt. No hat, and glasses on. Accessories to go with this costume include an iMac G5 and my red Swingline stapler. In other words, I’m not dressing up. Then when I get home, I’m changing into those pajama pants that only cost $7.00 at the JCPenney Outlet and making the next day’s lunch.

Still, it was so fun to see those pumpkins this morning…

Web site: And since I mentioned it, this is where I got my red Swingline...

Song: A song making fun of Rush Limbaugh as aired on the first hour of The Randi Rhodes Show on October 4, 2007

Quote: BTW, I don't feel that bad about not dressing up this year - I got to wear my radical cheerleader outfit a week ago, and that was fun...

Categories: Halloween, Work