



I’m going to Philly…

2 minute read

November 2, 2007, 9:16 PM

This Sunday, I’m going to Philadelphia, and I’m staying until Wednesday. I’m taking a course which explores the function of a Macintosh in great depth. For those of you familiar, it’s MacOS 101, which is titled “Mac OS X Support Essentials v10.4”. In short, I’m going to be able to troubleshoot a Mac like the pros, so that when a Mac hiccups, I should know how to cure those hiccups, or at least tell you why it’s hiccuping.

Then I’m also going to have two computers in tow. Since I’m going to be doing some of my regular work while I’m out on this little business trip, I’m going to have “Jeff”, one of our office Macs, with me. Then I’m also going to have Lappy, my personal laptop, with me for taking care of the Web site and such while I’m out.

And the drive is almost all Interstate, too, starting at the Beltway in Silver Spring, and going almost all the way to my hotel in suburban Philadelphia. Specifically, it’s mostly I-95, which should be interesting. Last time I rode that stretch of I-95 was to go up to New Jersey in January 2003 for a funeral. So we’ll see.

And if nothing else, it will be a nice change of scenery, and an opportunity to get away from Metro for a few days longer than the weekend, as Metro this week has produced some stressful rides. I was late to work three days this week because of Metro. Not majorly late by work’s standards (the latest was quarter past nine), but very late by my standards, as I usually like to arrive 15-20 minutes before 9:00. They had a switch problem at Judiciary Square two of those days, and a broken down train another day. Of course, the thing with where I work is that half the office takes the Red Line to get to work, and almost all of those from the Glenmont side of the line, so if I’m late because of Metro, half the office is going to be late, too. What do you do? You grumble a little about it, and hope your evening commute goes better. Today, I was surprised to actually get through my morning commute without a significant delay, after three days of delays. Go figure.

So all in all, I’m excited. And the hotel I’m staying at has an indoor pool, too, so I can relax in the evening by taking a dip in the pool. Usually I book based on the availability of an indoor pool during the cooler months, but this time I lucked out, since I didn’t bother to look for it specifically this time. I booked based on location and price, and did really well, from what I can tell. I also haven’t stayed in a hotel in a long time. Last time was August 2005 during my beach vacation.

So all in all, this is going to be a lot of fun, and I’m going to learn a lot of useful stuff.

Web site: "...and it's time to play 'Choose a Vista'!"

Song: That catchy music on the "Get a Mac" commercials

Quote: This commercial is so true when it comes to Vista and its overprotective security features...

Categories: Philadelphia, Work

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