iMac takes Metro?
2 minute read
February 10, 2008, 11:51 AM
This past week, I had two things that were worth a shot or two, and so I thought I’d share…
First of all, Katie and her mother went up to Leesburg in northern Virginia to see her brother and his family. And while she was up there, we also got together. The surprise of the evening was that prior to my arrival, her brother’s wife styled her hair. So here’s a photo of the one and only time she’ll be all curly, taken here at Chili’s, where we had dinner:
And since we were in the same general area, I also showed Katie where the Pomodoro restaurant where Mom and I ate in October was located. Next time we get the opportunity to go out there together, we might have to go there, since it is quite good. And you don’t have to leave a tip.
But let me tell you, though – it’s a considerable drive to get out there, as Leesburg is WAY out on the outskirts of the DC area. And I didn’t drive from home, but from the office, so I was coming from Dupont Circle, which is about the furthest extent of downtown Washington DC. It just so happened that I needed to drive to work for something else, so it worked out very well, since I didn’t have to take Metro back to Maryland and then go. But yeah, it took an hour to get out to Leesburg from the parking garage under my office building, and this was with good traffic in DC. Yes, it was busy, but traffic was moving well. My route took me down P Street, two-thirds of a loop around Dupont Circle, down New Hampshire Avenue to M Street, through Georgetown, over the Key Bridge into Rosslyn, along GW Parkway to the Beltway, then from there to the Dulles Toll Road/Dulles Greenway and on to the end of that. It’s a ways. And it cost $4.25 in tolls each way to get there.
But it was worth it – we had fun.
The the next day, I had to pick up one of our office Macs that had been having hardware issues from the Apple store at Pentagon City. I took Metro to get there from the office, and then took the Mac on the Metro with me on the way back. I got a photo of the Mac on Alstom 6033:
Yep… the Macintoshes themselves take Metro just like their über-hip users.
So yeah, I thought I’d share.
Web site: Are Mac users smarter than PC users? Well... yes...
Song: Not a song, but a really cute video of Richard Dawson totally losing it on Family Feud. "During what month of pregnancy does a woman begin to look pregnant? September."
Quote: Yeah, fun times...
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