



Did you ever think that milk would one day be cheaper than gasoline?

< 1 minute read

June 22, 2008, 12:38 AM

Did you ever think that milk would one day be cheaper than gasoline? Take a look…

Price of milk at the CVS in Aspen Hill

Milk is $4.09 per gallon at the CVS store in Aspen Hill. I can get it in the upper 3s at Shoppers. That just blows my mind, as the various gas stations along Georgia Avenue are either meeting or beating that price. Then if you go into Washington DC, they’re beating it – soundly.

We really need to make some serious progress on sustainable alternative fuels – and soon.

Web site: CBS news story: "Milk Now Rivals Gas Price Per Gallon"

Song: Risk Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up" song, as I found a video of a college basketball game being Rickrolled. And it's also a jab at Scientology, as the mascot's holding up a sign for

Quote: Meanwhile, a quick shameless plug: Take a look at Year 2007, the newest addition to Life and Times!

Categories: Gas prices

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