Does anyone know a good ophthalmologist in the DC area?
< 1 minute read
June 28, 2008, 10:52 AM
Does anyone know a good ophthalmologist in the DC area? It’s that time again, as it’s been three years since the last time my glasses were updated. And I’m not about to go to Augusta Eye Associates again, for reasons of distance. However, if you are in the Staunton/Waynesboro/Augusta County area, I highly recommend these folks. I would always see Dr. Patel.
So now I’m wondering what people think. I live in the Silver Spring/Wheaton area in Maryland, and I work in Dupont Circle. And I’m wondering if anyone has any recommendations. I’ve found a few names while doing some research, and I’m wondering if any of the names you all hopefully will give me match what I found and turn up good recommendations, or absolutely-positively-hell-no recommendations. And no, I’m not giving out my list in order to not box myself in, in case I missed anyone.
And lastly, I am only referring to ophthalmologists – doctors with MDs. I am not looking to go to an optometrist (doctors with ODs). So what do people think? Let me know…
Web site: The last time I got new glasses...
Song: I think the song from Today's Special would be appropriate: "My glasses make me feel so fine, feel so fine, 'cause they are mine! My glasses make me feel so fine, I really like my glasses!"
Quote: So send me your doctors!
Categories: Personal health
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