



Not bad for an hour’s work…

< 1 minute read

October 15, 2008, 12:09 AM

Take a look:

The Metro costume with the lines drawn

(Apologies for the poor image quality – I hiked the contrast way up to make the lines easier to see)

As you can see, the drawing is basically finished. It looks like a Metro train all right, and it appears that the decision has been made: I’m going to be going as a Breda of some kind. Right now, the windows are square like the 2000 and 3000 series, but that wouldn’t stop me from rounding off those windows and being a 4000-series. Or I could round off one side and not the other and be 4018-4019. After the Woodley Park-Zoo accident, 4018 got squared-off windows during the repairs, while 4019 kept its original rounded windows.

So the drawing phase didn’t take very long at all. Now I get to start painting, turning this thing the proper shade of brown and aluminum to make it properly Metro.

Web site: Remember the deer from five years ago at Addison Road?

Song: Whatever.

Quote: "Not too shabby!"

Categories: Halloween, WMATA