



One has to wonder how many trees had to die for all of this…

2 minute read

October 23, 2009, 10:11 PM

Scientology is certainly gearing up for their Ideal Org opening in a week. This afternoon, one of my coworkers, cognizant of my interest in Scientology’s work on the building next door to our office, alerted me to pallets upon pallets of printed material out on the sidewalk. So I took a minute and checked it out. Take a look…

Pallet of Scientology printed materials along P Street.
Pallet of Scientology printed materials along P Street.

Label on the aforementioned pallet.
Label on the aforementioned pallet.

Four pallets along 16th Street.

Four pallets along 16th Street.
Four pallets along 16th Street.

L. Ron Hubbard lectures on compact disc!
L. Ron Hubbard lectures on compact disc!

Ramps set up at the main entrance to wheel all the stuff in. One has to wonder, if they're loading the building full of this much literature, why they didn't put a loading dock or something in the back and put their wheelchair ramp in the front. Perhaps Scientology wants to banish their mobility-impaired users to the back of the building, because according to Scientology, it is the person's own fault if they are disabled.
Ramps set up at the main entrance to wheel all the stuff in. One has to wonder, if they’re loading the building full of this much literature, why they didn’t put a loading dock or something in the back and put their wheelchair ramp in the front. Perhaps Scientology wants to banish their mobility-impaired users to the back of the building, because according to Scientology, it is the person’s own fault if they are disabled.

Perhaps the most amusing moment was when one of the Scientologists unloading the pallets asked me why I was photographing the pallets. I was amazingly up-front, and spoke in terms that the Scientologist might understand. I was with Anonymous (despite no mask), and was a Suppressive Person. You should have seen him high-tail it out of there away from me. He nearly left skid marks! Perhaps it’s because Suppressive Persons such as myself are allegedly believed to cause harm to their well-being, including causing life-threatening illnesses. However, I think that the amount of people I see smoking outside the Org when we raid probably has more to do with the life-threatening illnesses than any vibes we might send off.

And meanwhile, one week to go before the grand opening. Come raid with us?

Web site: Operation Clambake: Undressing the Church of Scientology since 1996

Song: Discussion between a Scientologist and a person critical of Scientology. Favorite line: Why don't you go do a locational on yourself?

Quote: I love being "out" as an Anon. It means I can go right up to these people and tell them that I'm suppressive and then watch them flee. What is Scientology going to do, send me another cease-and-desist letter? If they do, I can frame it right next to the one I've already got.

Categories: Project Chanology

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