



Yes, it is possible…

< 1 minute read

January 10, 2010, 12:19 PM

Yes, it is possible that Metro can have all of its elevators working at the same time. Take a look:

Elevator Outage: No Reported Elevator Outages

I saw this at Glenmont on the way into DC on Saturday for an Anon raid. I know – I’m as surprised as you are. But Metro actually did get all 200-some elevators working at the same time for once. This just amazes me.

It’s kind of like when Metro actually has all three escalators at Dupont Circle’s south entrance working at the same time. I am similarly amazed whenever I see that. That happens about once a month or so, and yesterday was it. Otherwise, it’s fairly common to see one or two escalators down for repairs, with one running up, one gated, and one as a walker.

Web site: Metro escalator and elevator status. As of this writing, there are now five elevator outages requiring shuttle bus service. You knew it wouldn't last long.

Song: Breda 3000-Series train arriving at Union Station in 1996. Note the different door chimes, predating the Sandy Carroll "doors closing" chimes.

Quote: I'm still amazed that for once, Metro managed to do something right...

Categories: WMATA

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