“This makes me very angry! Very angry, indeed!”
3 minute read
October 29, 2010, 10:57 PM
I have come to the conclusion that if I don’t post this right away, it will become buried under Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, and Restoring Sanity and Keep Fear Alive and all of that. So thus we have the take from my office’s Halloween party on Friday. As is usually the case, the costumes ran from political to humorous to tributes to various elements of popular culture. So here’s the spread:
We have, left to right, using character names, Bill Gates, Tim (holding the remains of a brussels sprouts plant), a crazy cat lady, a guy from Aperture Laboratories (from Portal), Christine O’Donnell, then a character that I don’t recognize, me in “weekend mode” (wearing pajama pants and unshaven), Marvin the Martian, and a white-trash pregnant woman.
The last two were probably my favorite. Jorge is the person under the Marvin mask, and he really got into the part when I photo’d him individually:
“This makes me very angry! Very angry, indeed!” Great Marvin the Martian costume, that’s for sure.
Then Meredith’s white-trash woman costume was equally entertaining, and we had a lot of fun with it. When I saw it, I asked Meredith, “What part of Stuarts Draft are you from?” Turns out that she was going for a little more suburban than rural. What’s the difference? Likely a thick southern accent. Meredith had a lot of fun posing in her costume, though, which involved a pregnant belly (with no idea about the identity of the “baby daddy”), a baby doll, a cigarette, and a beer:
Then we also had some fun with the doll:
Of course, we know better – kids shouldn’t smoke (or else you turn into this kid), nor should kids drink alcohol, and any parent who purposely lets their baby do either is completely and totally unfit to be a parent. That’s what made this so funny, because it was so ridiculous, especially with the kid’s being that small. And the shades.
Then there’s when someone pretended to light Meredith’s cigarette – with a real lighter. I knew that nobody would really start smoking in the office, but nonetheless, that crossed a line for me, as I “put on my official hat” for a moment, and said, “Not in the building!”
And then Katy as the crazy cat lady…
That was just hilarious. The glasses are fake, a stuffed cat was on her shoulder, and the backstory behind her costume gives her 20-some cats at home. She was pretty spot on with the concept, except for the smell of cat feces (and thank goodness for that).
And then Saturday, we must restore sanity and/or keep fear alive. See you there?
Web site: Last-minute quick costume ideas...
Song: The microwave show resumes! Note that they will be nuking a fire alarm as part of Season 9...
Quote: Meanwhile, the best halloween costume is the one you can take with you to the streets. I still remember my radical cheerleader halloween costume from 2006, which I adapted, with very few modifications, for real radical cheerleading at October Rebellion.
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