



Nice weather, fire drills, FIOS, and stupid Comcast…

< 1 minute read

February 16, 2011, 8:22 PM

So I did a Video Journal tonight. And here it is:

Yes, in this February 16, 2011 edition of The Schumin Web Video Journal, I discuss the beautiful weather we’ve been having, fire drills on nice days like this (with some fire alarm sound effects – consider yourself warned), surprise fire drills and such, and then dumping stupid Comcast in favor of Verizon FIOS.

Besides fire alarm sounds, I bring up my usual light-a-cigar-under-a-smoke-head joke that usually gets an amusing reaction from my coworker Ginny, and I doodle a sign that probably amused me way more than it should have. But hey, it’s okay. It’s all right to be easily amused.

And by the way, having a bigger Internet pipe with FIOS will certainly make uploading these bloody videos go a lot more quickly, that’s for sure. This video, as recorded, is almost half a gigabyte in size.

Then of course, here’s the sign again:

Fire drill sign

This sign amused me to no end once I made it up, live on camera (and got marker on my desk – but that will come out). But my high school really did announce all of their fire drills to the staff that way, in a somewhat conspicuous manner for what was likely intended to be a “surprise” drill…

Web site: The Paradox of the Surprise Fire Drill

Song: A student gets to conduct his own fire drill. Wouldn't we all love to do that? Oh, wait... I did get to do that.

Quote: By the way, all of the fire alarm sounds that you heard are ones from my Fire Alarm Collection. Remember that if you're going to download and listen to these sounds, to do so responsibly. Don't play them in such a way or in an environment where people would think it was an actual emergency (tip: use headphones).