



The phone horn is back…

< 1 minute read

March 9, 2004, 4:51 PM

So I have nailed a new nail and hung the phone horn on it. And of course the first thing I did was call the house. Just to test it out and make sure that it’s going to run. And what do you know – it did.

And I didn’t put it in its old spot. Now, it’s above the VCR, next to the closet. About four feet away from where it used to be.

So on the decor, it’s so far, so good. I have the WMATA poster up over the couch, the bulletin board went over the head of the bed, the white board went behind the door, and my degree from JMU went up between the windows.

Next up: the little pictures.

Web site: Wheelock Telephone Alerts - I have the UTA-WH-VPS, which is the one with the strobe. My horn is set to "Bell".

Song: Home Improvement Theme

Quote: (Thought - not said) I'm just glad no one's asleep this time when I'm nailing...

Categories: Bedroom remodel