



Mobile Web just got a shot of Schumin…

< 1 minute read

May 25, 2006, 5:27 PM

What can I say? I’m tickled. I just completed a version of my Journal that’s optimized for display and navigation on a Web-enabled cell phone. I call it “The Schumin Web Mobile Edition”.

And why only the Journal? Because the whole thing is database-driven, and thus it’s easy to convert. No having to do any reconfiguring on the regular site at all. I just created a second interface for it from scratch and ta-da. It looks like crap on the regular Web, but it looks fine on the phone.

Compare what we see on the Web using a real computer…

Mobile Edition as viewed on the Web

To the cell phone…

Mobile Edition as viewed on a cell phone

As you can see, it’s certainly optimized for a cell phone. Yay me. Now I just need to figure out how to tie it into the rest of the Web site.

Web site: The Schumin Web Mobile Edition, a Journal optimized for your cell phone.

Song: "This is the song that never ends..."

Quote: Now the rest of the Web site shall be a bit more complicated, since that will involve a bit more work to keep everything synchronized. That will probably wait until the next redesign.

Categories: Schumin Web meta