



Well, isn’t that a beaut…

3 minute read

February 17, 2010, 7:14 PM

Today was one of those days where it could only get better considering the way it started. Take a look at this:

My skinned knee.

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Categories: Myself, Snowmageddon

And that’s the end of the gutter.

3 minute read

February 11, 2010, 8:52 PM

Ah, the joys of record snowfall. Cabin fever and collapsing gutters. And today, the gutter collapse went ahead and finished itself off. First of all, this is what we started with:

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Categories: Snowmageddon

And snowed in again.

3 minute read

February 10, 2010, 3:08 PM

Winter certainly is packing a punch this week, isn’t it? First the snowstorm on Friday, and now today. And meanwhile, the collapse of the gutters continued, as the gutter that had collapsed under the weight of the snow over my neighbor’s balcony now collapsed over my balcony, leaving this board with nails in it hanging ominously overhead:

The board with nails in it hanging ominously overhead

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Categories: Movies, Snowmageddon

More snow? Ayyyyy…

2 minute read

February 8, 2010, 4:59 PM

I can’t get over that they’re forecasting even more snow for tomorrow. But that’s what the folks at Capital Weather Gang are saying. And this after I finally accomplished something:

The Sable is free!

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Categories: Snowmageddon

Okay, that’s enough…

2 minute read

February 7, 2010, 3:08 PM

Well, I got the windows cleared. That’s probably enough for now, since the maintenance folks are going to need to do some more plowing before I can even think about moving the car. There’s more than six feet of two-foot-deep snow (some of which can support my weight) behind the car that I can’t move with the tools that I have.

But just to show you the epicness of this snowfall, here are pix:

The snow next to the car is up to my knees.
The snow next to the car is up to my knees.

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Categories: Snowmageddon

Another gutter bites the dust…

4 minute read

February 7, 2010, 1:36 PM

Yes, another gutter bit the dust, this time on the other side of me:

Another gutter bites the dust  Another gutter bites the dust

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Categories: Snowmageddon, WMATA

The snow caused a gutter to collapse!

3 minute read

February 6, 2010, 8:11 PM

Yes, the wet, heavy snow (compared to the light, powdery stuff in December) caused a gutter on my apartment building to collapse. And I happened to get before-and-after photos. Take a look:

Before the gutter collapsed  After the gutter collapsed

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Categories: Snowmageddon

I am ready to be snowed in…

3 minute read

February 5, 2010, 12:22 AM

I am ready to be snowed in this weekend. The Sable is safely parked, and the cabinets are full. I am set. My castle is stocked up. Bring it on, nature.

Otherwise, today I discovered that adults can be just as bad as children when it comes to getting revved up about a potential snow day. All I heard today was, “Do you think we’re going to get tomorrow off?” I was all, noooooooo, since I think that the Feds have already decided on their course of action. They’re operating under an unscheduled leave policy for Friday, which for us basically means show up. Now whether they close early once the snow starts coming down is another story.

Meanwhile, speaking of snow days, when I was in school, I always just wanted to strangle those teachers that acted like it was our fault for missing school due to bad winter weather when we grumbled about having to go to school on Memorial Day for make-up days. These teachers that would say, “You had your Memorial Day back in January!” Big help. Like it’s my fault that it snowed. I remember my seventh grade year was hell for that kind of thing. We had something like 16 snow days that year. Thus we had no days off of any kind except for weekends from the last snow day in March through to like June 16 plus one Saturday (yes, we had one make-up day on a Saturday). And when you couple that with the fact that my homeroom teacher was a real d—–bag, it made for a very rough year. This particular teacher even made fun of me (in a mean way) in front of the whole class when he presented me my perfect attendance certificate at the end of the year. I had better attendance than he did that year, and he made fun of me

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Categories: Snowmageddon, Walmart, WMATA