“And we once again send another year up the road to retirement…”
As of this writing, 2003 only has a few more days left to live. Then it will be 2004, and 2003 will be a thing of the past. And all in all, it’s been a good year. In 2003, I found that a way of organizing and handling what life flings at you is to write it all down. Thus the journal. Since July, when I introduced my journal and got used to writing in it, I can tell you exactly what happened in my life in 2003, and be able to look back at and evaluate what happens in a year. During 2003, I figured out what happens when you put an idiot and a maniac on the same stretch of roadway, discovered some horses using their heads as a hat rack on MSN Messenger, revisited Potomac Hall after four months away from it, got nailed by a pickup truck while sitting at a light, survived a wind-filled drive home in the midst of a hurricane, dealt with people who don’t know what a crosswalk is, visited the self-cleaning restroom at Huntington, survived my sister’s roommate’s mess in my bathroom, went wacko with Kathleen over a bird inside Canterbury, moved domain names en masse from eNom to GoDaddy, got totally blasted, began work at Wal-Mart, dumped Commonwealth One, sang MacArthur Park as part of karaoke night at D-Hall, and so much more. Wow! What a productive year! And with the year coming to a close, the inevitable question comes up… what’s next? Every year I always wonder how I’m going to top the previous year. And every year, I somehow manage to top the previous year in what goes on. It’s amazing, really…
Date posted: December 26, 2003
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