“It’s only appropriate that the name’s not the same…”

It’s quite appropriate that this site isn’t called Ben Schumin’s Home on the Internet anymore. Reason being is because the site doesn’t contain a single word of original text! Through redesigns and updates, the original text has been phased completely out! My original “About Me” page was trashed quite early on and I went for some time without a page about me (the current one hails from second quarter 1997). My “News of the Week” section was eliminated in December 1997, a few days after Christmas of that year, and then “Links to other people’s Web pages” has been spun off of the main site as “World Wide Web Site Index”, and most of the original links are either dead or have changed in URL or name. So it’s only appropriate that this site’s name is not the same. The site has changed – it’s not Ben Schumin’s Home on the Internet anymore. It’s The Schumin Web!

Date posted: December 3, 1999

Notes: This quote was repeated on the main page on June 29, 2000.

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